Amazon S3 AWS Price List API all Attribute Names and Values
Below is a reference for all attribute names and attribute values in AWS Price List API for Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3). Note: All the list below are in alphabetical order. Service Code: AmazonS3 Python Code to get Attribute Names for AmazonS3 using Boto3
Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) AWS Price List API all Attribute Names and Values
Below is a reference for all attribute names and attribute values in AWS Price List API for Elastic Load Balancing (ELB). This is for the following AWS Load Balancers. Classic Load Balancers Application Load Balancers Network Load Balancers Gateway Load Balancers Note: All the list below are in alphabetical order. Service Code: AWSELB Python Code…
Amazon EventBridge AWS Price List API all Attribute Names and Values
Below is a reference for all attribute names and attribute values in AWS Price List API for CloudWatch Events or Amazon EventBridge. Note: All the list below are in alphabetical order. Service Code: AWSEvents Python Code to get Attribute Names for AWSEvents using Boto3
Amazon SQS AWS Price List API all Attribute Names and Values
Below is a reference for all attribute names and attribute values in AWS Price List API for Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS). Note: All the list below are in alphabetical order. Service Code: AWSQueueService Python Code to get Attribute Names for AWSQueueService using Boto3
Amazon Glacier AWS Price List API all Attribute Names and Values
Below is a reference for all attribute names and attribute values in AWS Price List API for Amazon Glacier. Note: All the list below are in alphabetical order. Service Code: AmazonGlacier Python Code to get Attribute Names for AmazonGlacier using Boto3
Amazon Cognito Sync AWS Price List API all Attribute Names and Values
Below is a reference for all attribute names and attribute values in AWS Price List API for Amazon Cognito Sync. Note: All the list below are in alphabetical order. Service Code: AmazonCognitoSync Python Code to get Attribute Names for AmazonCognitoSync using Boto3
Amazon Cognito AWS Price List API all Attribute Names and Values
Below is a reference for all attribute names and attribute values in AWS Price List API for Amazon Cognito. Note: All the list below are in alphabetical order. Service Code: AmazonCognito Python Code to get Attribute Names for AmazonCognito using Boto3
Amazon API Gateway AWS Price List API all Attribute Names and Values
Below is a reference for all attribute names and attribute values in AWS Price List API for Amazon API Gateway. Note: All the list below are in alphabetical order. Service Code: AmazonApiGateway Python Code to get Attribute Names for AmazonApiGateway using Boto3
Amazon FSx AWS Price List API all Attribute Names and Values
Below is a reference for all attribute names and attribute values in AWS Price List API for Amazon FSx. Note: All the list below are in alphabetical order. Service Code: AmazonFSx Python Code to get Attribute Names for AmazonFSx using Boto3
Amazon ECS AWS Price List API all Attribute Names and Values
Below is a reference for all attribute names and attribute values in AWS Price List API for Amazon EC2 Container Service (ECS). Note: All the list below are in alphabetical order. Service Code: AmazonECS Python Code to get Attribute Names for AmazonECS using Boto3