Tag: Visual Studio Code

  • How to install Visual Studio Code in Ubuntu

    If you want to install Visual Studio Code in Ubuntu then you can follow the steps below. Note: I’ve tested the installation instruction below for Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa) and 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish). #1 Download the Visual Studio Code .deb installer Go to https://code.visualstudio.com/#alt-downloads. Under the Linux installers, select the .deb installer that is for…

  • How to disable collapsing to one line for single folders in Visual Studio Code

    If you have been using Visual Studio Code, you might have encountered that if you have a folder that only has a single folder inside, Visual Studio Code will automatically collapse both parent and child folders into a single line. Actually, if you have a chain of subfolders that have only one folder inside, it…

  • How to enable mouse scroll zoom in Visual Studio Code

    By default, making your font bigger or smaller by using Ctrl + Mouse Wheel is not enabled in Visual Studio Code. But with a settings change, we can enable this. Steps to enable Mouse Scroll Zoom in Visual Studio Code In Visual Studio Code window, click on File >> Preferences >> Settings. This will create…